Sunday, August 10, 2008

Common Nursing Problems

Breastfeeding may be natural, but it comes with it's own set of problems too. When your nipples are so it brings tears to your eyes; when your breasts are so full, you feel as if the slightest touch - and you'll explode....

It's enough to make you give up. You feel as if you're the only one not doing it right ...that everyone else seems to cruise through breastfeeding, but you. That's not the case at all. You can encounter any number of problems from thrush, mastisis, overactive letdown ... AT ANY TIME. It can be the first day - or your 500th day - no one is immune to experiencing difficulties nursing.

The difference in the the Mom who seems to breeze through, and the Mom who feels as if her back up against the wall is simple. Education.

The more you educate yourself in the Pro's and Con's of breastfeeding - the better equipped you'll be in handling the difficulties that can arise.

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