Rice Cereal:
Combine 1 teaspoon of rice cereal with enough breastmilk or formula or boiled water to produce a thick consistency.
Combine 1 tablespoon rolled oats and 1 tablespoon cold water. Stir in 1 1/2 tablespoons hoit water. Bring to a boil, stirring, and then reduce the heat and simmer for 1 minute. Puree' with enough breastmilk or formula to produce the consistency you require.
Poached/Boiled Fruit:
Poached/Boiled Fruit:
Peel, core and slice 1 apple, peach or pear and put in a small pan with 2 tablesppons water. bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer until soft and pulpy, adding more water as required. Puree' with a little boiled water to make 1/2 cup of fruit.
Rice Cereal and Poached Fruit:
Rice Cereal and Poached Fruit:
Combine 1 teaspoon rice cereal with 1 teaspoon of poached/boiled fruit or mashed banana. Add enough breastmilk, formula or boiled water to produce a soft but not runny, cereal.
Baby Cereal With Fruit And Yogurt:
Baby Cereal With Fruit And Yogurt:
For older babies, mix together baby cereal, poached fruit, baby yogurt and breastmilk, formula or boiled water to produce the desired consistency.
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