When I'm nursing my 2 week old little boy, my let down seems to drown him. He can't seem to keep up with the flow, I have to take him off and stem it and put him back on. I had the similar problem with my first born, but it didn't seem to get to this degree. It seems my milk is really flowing this time. I don't want my little one to suffer from this, but I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any tips for me? He eats only for a few minutes and then when the let down comes, he quits. When he's awake it seem like that's all I'm doing is putting him to the breast and taking him off again. Thanks for any help in advance.
Hi Denise!
It sounds to me like something my OB described as overactive letdown. While I didn't have this problem, like I thought at the time, this is what the pamphlet that she gave me from La Leche says:
You can try different positions so baby can be "uphill" from her breast. For example, mother can lie on her back with baby on top so he can control his head and back off if the milk ejects too forcefully. Another suggestion might be to take baby off the breast when the let-down starts, catching the overflow in a clean cloth, and placing the baby back on when the flow lessens.
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