I am currently 6 months pregnant and my nipples are already peeling! It looks like I've sunbathed in the nude or something (a scary thought in itself). I've avoided soap for quite a while, but they keep right on peeling. I hear about this happening after you start bf'ing, but isn't this a little early? Should I maybe try Lansinoh now? I'd appreciate any suggestions!
Hey! What timing. I just noticed this last night. I'm 25 weeks pg and my nipples have some sort of old skin on them. I tried to remove it, but it made them very "raw", but they didn't bleed. I'm just leaving it. What's the peeling about?
I think peeling them sounds terrible and I can't believe it would be a good idea. Just like peeling a sun burn or any other type of skin. It will come off in time with normal clothing abrasion. I'd give the Lansinoh a shot, it certainly can't hurt. I'm betting it will solve itself in time. If you get really worried, check with your OB.
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